What is Systems Coaching?
Systems Coaching is a form of holistic coaching that looks at different aspects of your life like your commitments, your routines and habits, your processes, and your tendencies, and seeks to reduce friction between all of these to save you time and energy.
Systems Coaching draws from productivity coaching, life coaching, autism coaching, and executive function coaching.
When I started this journey I learned about executive functioning skills and about their apparent impairment in many neurodivergent folks. The framework was and continues to be very useful in understanding my own struggles and my clients’ struggles, as well as helping us find workarounds and accommodations. But at the end of the day it is only one of many frameworks that I use to support myself and my clients. As an autistic person, I find I can understand many of the struggles other autistic people face — although there are also many struggles I don’t share — and am happy to use my experience as an example to guide others. And most of all, I am here to support them holistically, their whole lives, their connections, communities, roles, and dreams.
Systems Coaching accepts and celebrates complexity.
People are complex. We are made up of many experiences, struggles, victories, and dreams. We belong to many communities. We play many roles in those communities. It is impossible to address one struggle without it having a ripple effect everywhere else. Systems Coaching is about not shying away or ignoring the complexity in our lives, but in finding ways to use that complexity to our benefit. Why implement a single solution for a single problem when we can create a pathway that brings relief to multiple parts of our lives?
Systems Coaching is about support and accommodation.
The Systems approach is about building frameworks or scaffolding that supports the life you have and the path to the life you want to have. We work to identify the obstacles or sources of friction that drain your limited energy and put supports in place that make it easier and smoother and lest costly. We also work to identify the things that give you pleasure and new energy so you can recharge. Supports, accommodations, and sources of energy can be techniques, tools, frameworks, communities, and people.
Systems Coaching is rooted in disability justice and is therefore anti-capitalist.
I came to this work through the discovery and recognition of my own disabilities. I have learned that disability justice cannot be achieved while we still assign human value based on productivity. I have embraced the inherent contradiction between working in productivity and fighting for disability justice. The work I do in large part is to reconcile those two. You can read some of my thoughts on that here, but basically it comes down to this: we need to survive while we work on building the world that comes next.
Systems are the playground of my neurodivergence.
I created this type of coaching because:
- my brain thrives in complexity, connection, and processes, and
- my politic and philosophy celebrates diversity and collaboration.
1-on-1 Service Offerings

Sign up for a monthly subscription to work with me on an ongoing basis, moving at the pace you choose, on the things that matter most you you in the moment.
These subscriptions include:
- Access to Systems Hour Group Q&A Sessions at no additional cost
This option provides some financial accountability while remaining flexible in terms of how often we meet and what aspect(s) of your life we focus on.
Cost: $35 – $500 per month depending on frequency of sessions.

Work with me on an hourly basis, booking a session when you want or need to. We can dive right into whatever challenge you’re facing and try to end each session with solid next steps and tools to try out at your own pace.
This option requires the most self-direction with no built-in accountability, and is best for people who just need a new perspective once in a while or who are not in a place to commit to something ongoing.
Cost: $120 per hour